**I had this post all ready to go yesterday, and somehow got logged out and lost half of it!! so please accept this as yesterday's post :) **
I didn't even realize it has been almost a month since we posted last! Please accept our apologies. It's been very busy in the McGee household. Excuses aside, the 16th is always a special day in our home. Today Miss Maddie is 5 months old. Can you believe it??...Me either!
Every day, there's something new. She still has the sweetest demeanor...as long as meals come on time. She loves to talk and tell you all about her day. She will laugh and talk and play, but always wants to know you're not far away. She loves being played with and is much more tolerant than her mommy of Daddy's in-your-face obnoxious - I mean playful - tendencies. She will get so excited she can't make out a laugh or even a squeal, but ends up coughing instead. TV will be our vice soon enough...She loves watching "Dinosaur Train" and will sit through the whole 30 minute program enjoying the whole show. EVERYTHING goes in the mouth these days. Fingers, fists, passie, toys, Mommy and Daddy's fingers and noses, cheeks, shoulders..I said EVERYTHING! Smiles are never far away and given a dime a dozen as long as you smile back. Overall, Madeline Noelle is one of a kind. She's bold but sweet. She amazes me daily and I couldn't ask to be more blessed. Enough chatting...on the the photos...we have lots to catch up on!
This was just too funny, she propped herself up as she was sleeping

I mentioned Dionsaur Train...
Her favorite spot to watch on Mom and Dad's bed!

On our way to the beach for Ashleigh's graduation!


Maddie meets Cambpell...or more like Campbell meets Maddie
This was a few weeks ago, Aunt Carol, Great Grandma and Grandpa came to Newport News for a visit. We went to the Rose Garden at Huntington, and naturally stopped for a sniff
My grandparents and Maddie's greats!
I stole this idea from an email a long time ago. I love the idea of this, and think each of these hands are beautiful. This is 4 generations on the Michael side. (or technically Jones?)
And the owner of the hands
Lastly, I want to add that we had a fantastic weekend this past weekend at Ashleigh's graduation. And like me, I got so caught up in all the goings-on, forgot to pull out the camera when it counted! But we LOVED getting to spend time with Mimi, Bryan, Ashleigh, Tyler, Max, Caroline, Grandpa, Kat and Matt!!
Hope this helped you get your cute baby fix, and I promise not to wait so long between posts from now on!