Ok - that being said..WOW what a personality. Remember this post?
There are still so many things to love about this little girl...and in fact, there are more...
-She still thinks she's kind of silly when she passes gas...even more silly when someone else does it.
-She is still a very passionate eater....throwing her hands up jazz style to indicate "ALL DONE!", coupled with very dramatic flailings when something is presented that is not what she wants to eat.
- Oh boy does she come alive when Daddy comes in. If I have ever seen a Daddy's girl, here she is. She literally gives him the most cheerful, exuberant "Hey!!" when he comes in, falls into his arms and does her very best to tell him all about her day through exagerated hand gestures and explaining it all in Maddiese.
- In the midst of her very busy life, she still finds plenty of time to snuggle with us both. Lovingly patting, hugging and kissing (word to the wise - keep your own mouth closed).
- The most endearing thing about this little girl by far is her absolute joyful nature. She loves, plays, giggles, dances all with a purely happy heart.
God was good to me then, and is even better still.
She is beautiful - all thanks to Him.