We got to see Uncle John and Aunt Char...Uncle John has been the most successful thus far at bottle feeding.
(John 1, Others 0)
She also got to meet and take a nice nap on Courtney.
And we had super bowl fun with Diana and Travis, as well as a visit from Miss Evie and her parents. It's been quite eventful around here.
We're also working on some new routines...by we, I mean her. Our feeding conversations lately go something like this -
"Please don't head-butt Mommy"
"Ouch...slow down, you'll choke!"
"See, I told you to go slower, now you're choking."
"Maddie, you're making a mess!"
"Hey! Wake up!"
"Wake up, Maddie!"
"Okay...I guess we're done."
So they're one-sided conversations, but you get the point. But this is usually how we end up. (yes...she's so messy I strip her down to eat.) And you don't even want to see how it ends up on my side of the camera!
Here's to another fun and busy week ahead!
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