Where are any of my July posts??...Oh...I don't have any. Where did that month go? We've been so busy this summer...and
someone requires much more attention..gone are my days of sitting on the bed with the computer next to a still, calm baby entertained solely by the lights and ceiling fan. Now, it's more like "Ok, she's asleep...run around like a mad woman until she wakes up again!" Madeline is GROWING....like a weed. a pretty flower weed though. I can't believe she is 7 months. Teething, crawling, trying to stand up and a little sassafrass on top of it all. Let's talk in pictures...so much more fun.
Let's just recap the whole summer...
Starting with our trip to Burlington.
Moving on to vacation at Ocean Isle Beach and West Virginia (yes..both in one week..)
For time's sake, because yes, I am doing this while she is asleep, please feel free to create your own captions :)
She is so cute!!! I just love her smile.