I wish there was some way I could capture all the little things about Madeline as well as the camera captures her beauty. At 12 days old, I would have never imagined our precious little one would have so much personality already. What a blessing we've received. So for those of you who have not yet met her, to list but a few of the joys that make up Madeline Noelle...
- I love the way she acts surprised with wide eyes every time she passes gas.
- I love the way she whimpers like a puppy when she's not quite asleep.
- I love the way she flings her arms out wide, milk dripping from her mouth when she's done eating. Like that was the best meal ever, every time.
- I adore the way she comes alive when her daddy walks in the room. Absolutely captivated by his voice and cannot take her eyes off him. (I have a feeling the economy will profit greatly from him one day)
- I love how she loves to snuggle. She could easily spend day and night in someone's arms, receiving kisses, nose kisses and head rubs.
- I love how patient she is. Almost as though she realizes I've never done this before, to say "It's ok Mommy, I'll wait until you get it right or figure it out".
- I love how expressive she is...Eating, sleeping, crying, yawning, playing. She lets you know with her whole face what is going on.
- I love how watching her constantly reminds me that we are made in HIS image. What a beautiful God we serve.
You might be saying "Oh, Becca, all babies do those things"...sure, but not the way my Madeline does them! So I'm a doting mom...