We went to the doctors yesterday for a normal 36 week check up. All looks good with baby. She's 6lbs 11oz. Still has hair, still in breech, and growing fine in the 60% percentile. However, we (the doctors as well as myself) were all shocked to see that amniotic fluid has decreased. As of 10am yesterday, fluid levels should have been around 9, we were at about 5. We'd been told this could happen given our situation (2-vessel umbilical cord as opposed to 3) None of it is serious cause to worry as the baby is still fine. But we are praying that fluid levels will rise so we can make it at least a little closer to our due date (Feb 6), and that she'll have time and space to flip (or flop). We definitely recognize how blessed we've been thus far in the pregnancy, and appreciate the many prayers!
Meanwhile...I'm on "house arrest", drowning myself in liquids until tomorrow when we go back for another ultrasound/stress test. But I REALLY want to go to Target!!!
On a much more exciting note...I'm still working on the bedding for miss Madeline's room (yes, not only am I crazy to do it all myself, but as usual have procrastinated in getting it done). In the meantime, I have pics to show you of the diaper bag, diaper/wipes holder and changing pad I've done for her!

Like what you see?? www.mimsyssister.com (wink wink)
I promise we'll have nursery pics up soon!!
ps- Happy Birthday Granddaddy! and Happy belated Grandpa! xoxo
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