Yes...I have joined the world of blogging moms. At less than a month out from our due date, it's time we get ourselves in order. I'm not much of a writer, but between family and friends stretching the coast and spanning the country, we want to keep you all updated on our Madeline Noelle! So expect mainly pictures (that's the fun part anyway). I can't guarantee much in the way of posts before she gets here...partly because we're frantically preparing for her arrival and partly because there's just not much to report on until we can get some real-deal pictures of our little Maddie. Here's a little bit of our progress so far:
This is our first Ultrasound at 8 weeks... seems so long ago!

A few 20 week ultrasound pictures. This is when they told us it was a girl! (Daddy might have teared up a bit..shh)
Profile -

Here's a foot!

And finally some fingers

Check back for updates, and leave us some love!
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